A turnkey solution
Urben Blu’s self-cleaning washroom will undoubtedly simplify your project, even in its early stages. We will provide you with architect and engineer plans that have already been approved by professionals in your area. Our project manager will support you throughout the process and provide guidance for site preparation and will coordinate the installation.
We will simply need water (well), electricity and sewage (septic tank and holding tank also compatible) according to the provided plan. The unit comes with a structural concrete pad, which makes the site preparation very simple. You will not need to pour concrete prior to the delivery. In addition to simplifying the task for you, it ensures that the required angles in the concrete pad are respected.
Lower maintenance cost
At Urben Blu, we offer cities a smart and efficient way to operate public washrooms while reducing acquisition and operational costs, waste, and time.
The smart, self-cleaning washrooms help save on management by reducing daily maintenance of the washroom. In addition to the self-cleaning functions, the remote-control system allows you to change settings directly from your computer or phone and will alert you if the washroom’s condition requires special attention.
Our team will be happy to evaluate the project possibilities with you